Day 10 - Sunday July 14 - Breda


We all went to Breda to attend an organ concert of music by Bach and Mendelson.
After the amazing music, we had lunch again at the Cafe Le Bruin Pij - with the best bitterballen and fries we have ever tasted. After lunch we toured the amazing city of Breda with its outdoor cafes and the fortified castle.

We attend mass at the church next door

Of course we find a cat!

We celebrate two family birthdays this week and presents were exchanged and bakery treats were consumed!

1 comment:

  1. How was the organ recital ?! I can only imagine .. and what about the acoustics ?? Church.. and best bitterballen you have ever had!! Now becoming very jealous !! and did someone pick up a cat so bring back home !! W O W !! Each day, something better comes along.. Looking like all great moments with family and rediscovering ethnic roots !!
    P.S. The Dutch put the white sauce on their french fries like north American's would splash malt vinegar on their fries !
