Day Three - Sunday July 7 - Oud Gastel


Up early for a casual family breakfast and then Fran and I attended mass at the Cathedral next door.

The service was all in Dutch, but the parts were familiar and the interior of the church was stunning.

Back to our house for coffee and pastries from the local bakery then walked out to a local park for some fun football with Ollie.

Stopped at the local grocery store, Jumbo, and picked up some veg and pasta for dinner that evening,

Spent the afternoon laughing and talking and sharing family pics then started dinner prep roasting veggies and cooking pasta.

We had a late dinner around 7pm and looked at Katrina and Alex' pics from their cycle trip from their home in Batheaston UK to our place here in Oud Gastel.

Euro Flags proudly flying

1 comment:

  1. Nice second day !! The cathedral looks amazing inside. You are settling in nicely !!
